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Finals week

Date: 3/18/24. The Final Exam is Monday March 18 at 3pm (see schedule of classes https://act.ucsd.edu/scheduleOfClasses/scheduleOfClassesStudent.htm) in the REC GYM.

Assigned seats for the final exam will be posted on Canvas. Students who requested a left-handed seat for Test 1/Test 2 will be assigned to a left-handed seat in the final.

The Final Exam has two parts, the first corresponding to the material covered for Week 5's Test 1 and the second corresponding to the material covered for Week 9's Test 2. Each part has 4 questions and is scored out of 50 points.

You will have 65 minutes to complete each part and you can choose to take zero, one, or both of the parts.

We will distribute Part 1 at 3pm. You may bring in one note sheet for Part 1. When we collect Part 1 exams, we will collect all note sheets and paper used during Part 1.

We will distribute Part 2 at 4:30pm. You may bring in one note sheet for Part 2. If you plan to take Part 1 and Part 2, make sure your note sheets are separate since we will collect Part 1's note sheet before distributing Part 2. If you plan to take Part 2 and not Part 1, please wait (quietly, to minimize disruption to those taking Part 1) outside the REC gym until we finish collecting all Part 1 exams and call you in. When we collect Part 2 exams, we will collect all note sheets and paper used during Part 2.

The grade recorded for you for Test 1 will be max (Grade on Week 5's Test 1, Grade on Part 1 of Final). The grade recorded for you for Test 2 will be max (Grade on Week 9's Test 2, Grade on Part 2 of Final).