Weeks 0 and 1 Weeks 0 and 12
Week 2 Week 23
Week 3 Week 34
Week 4 Week 45
Week 5 Week 56
Week 6 Week 67
Week 7 Week 78
Week 8 Week 89
Week 9 Week 910
Week 10 Week 1011
Finals week Finals weekOffice hours: drop-in (in person and Zoom) Question & Answer opportunity to talk with the tutors, TAs, and instructor about concepts and specific questions from class and homework.
Dates: 9/23/24 - 10/6/24
Welcome! Please take our pre-class survey on Canvas. See you Friday 9am in Catalyst 125. Notes for class are linked below: we recommend attending class in person each day (if you can). We'll be working directly on quiz and homework questions in many classes to help you get started with problem solving. Discussion sections will include a review of the lecture material for the week and example problems. They are scheduled for Wednesdays at 4pm in WLH 2001.
Dates: 10/7/24 - 10/13/24.
Dates: 10/14/24 - 10/20/24
Dates: 10/21/24 - 10/27/24
Dates: 10/28/24 - 11/3/24.
Dates: 11/4/24 - 11/10/24. Test 1 in CBTF this week. The test covers material in Weeks 1 through 4 and Monday of Week 5. In particular, you should make sure you can:
To study for the exam, we recommend reviewing class notes (e.g. annotations linked on the class website, podcast, supplementary video from the class website), reviewing homework (and its posted sample solutions), and in particular *working examples* (extra examples in lecture notes, textbook examples listed in hw, review quizze, discussion examples) and getting feedback (office hours and Piazza).
Dates: 11/11/24 - 11/17/24. No class on Monday (in observance of Veterans Day). Asynchronous class on Wednesday: please read Chapter 4 in the textbook and watch the supplementary videos linked below and post questions on Piazza. We'll be back to synchronous, in-person class on Friday.
Dates: 11/18/24 - 11/24/24
Dates: 11/25/24 - 12/1/24. Test 2 in CBTF this week. No class on Friday in observance of Thanksgiving. The test covers material in Weeks 5 through 8 and Monday of Week 9. In particular, you should make sure you can:
To study for the exam, we recommend reviewing class notes (e.g. annotations linked on the class website, podcast, supplementary video from the class website), reviewing homework (and its posted sample solutions), and in particular *working examples* (extra examples in lecture notes, textbook examples listed in hw, review quizzes, discussion examples) and getting feedback (office hours and Piazza).
Dates: 12/2/24 - 12/8/24.